Saturday, October 10, 2009

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a safe and restful Fall Break! Monday will be the start of 2nd quarter, and that means new AR goals! I gave students a grace period this first nine weeks on meeting their AR goals, but second quarter it will definitely be part of their Reading grade.

Spelling for this week:

Words with the long e sound:

1. steam
2. reason
3. honey
4. shield
5. treat
6. screech
7. least
8. beetle
9. sweet
10. breathe
11. field
12. beast
13. valley
14. species
15. monkey
16. mean
17. capacity
18. degree
19. median
20. oxygen
1. definitely
2. different
3. temperature
4. average

Math: For math this week we will have a Benchmark Review (review of first quarter) and begin two digit by two digit and three digit by two digit multiplication.

Social Studies: We will begin out unit on Native Americans. Students will discover the Native American regions/tribes through discovery baskets containing items that represent each region

Reading: We will continue Bridge to Terabithia and remember that Book Reports are due this Friday. I am excited to see the kids hard work!

Language Arts: We will continue our Daily Language Review with Caught YA! and we will also be reviewing the benchmark tests.

This week will be a very busy one, but it will be great! Please encourage your child to use our new computer program First in Math. They have the website and log-in information in their agendas. This is a great way for students to practice basic math facts.